Hoe werkt elektrisch varen?

  • No maintenance costs for the boat's propulsion
  • Noiseless driving, a completely different experience
  • Better maneuverability, as shifting directly from forward to reverse is possible without damaging the clutch
  • Savings on fuel costs
  • Emission-free
  • Een korting van 50% op uw huidige binnenhavenvignet kosten
  • Operating time is limited by battery capacity
  • Charging the battery takes more time than refueling a diesel tank
  • Electric drivetrains are more expensive to purchase than conventional diesel drives
  • Except for lithium, specific terms of usage regarding discharging and charging the battery pack

We not only sell complete propulsion systems. In many cases, we also sell individual battery packs or separate engines, including connection materials. Amsterdam Electric does not sell separate connection materials.

When an electric drivetrain is professionally connected and installed, it is at least as safe as a conventional (combustion) drive. Therefore, Amsterdam Electric offers ready-to-use packages that are connected by professionals. These systems are plug-and-play to ensure the customer does not have to connect electrical components. If you still desire to do the installation independently, we recommend taking a course on connecting low-voltage systems and acquiring the right tools.

Finally, Amsterdam Electric advises having a fire extinguisher on board and securing the system according to regulations.

Charging Stations
You can charge your boat at the charging stations provided by the Municipality of Amsterdam for electric boats. Currently, there are ten charging facilities, each with two points. A total of 20 charging points. This number will increase since all pleasure boats in Amsterdam must be electric by 2025 (source: information evening on electric boating Municipality of Amsterdam).

A pilot project with charging points on houseboats on the water has also been launched. This pilot is carried out by the company Stroomboot in collaboration with the Municipality of Amsterdam. Charging points will be installed at houseboats and any waterfront cafes, where boats can dock to charge. The first Power Boat charging point in Houthavens is ready for use. (source: https://www.amsterdam.nl/verkeer-vervoer/varen-amsterdam/elektrisch-varen/))

Charging at Home
You can also use electricity from your home, if you live near the canals. Finally, Amsterdam Electric also builds interchangeable battery packs that you can take home to charge. Since this is more expensive to build and can vary per application, it is only quoted upon request.

Amsterdam Electric is happy to help you by selling plug-and-play packages to take as much work off your hands as possible. Furthermore, we assist you with multiple instructional videos to get you started.

You can have your package professionally installed by Amsterdam Boat Service through Amsterdam Electric. If you are interested in this, you can request a non-binding quote. In this request, you must include several photos of the boat, engine bay, measurement of the engine frame regarding to the axle, and wiring so that an estimate of labour hours can be given.

Essential features such as power, energy consumption, engine noise, and ease of installation can vary significantly for each electric engine. That's why you can find the unique features, advantages, and disadvantages of the product on the product pages on the Amsterdam Electric website. In some cases, you will be redirected to our suppliers' website. It is convenient to determine in advance what you're looking for, how big or small your budget is, whether you will install the package yourself, and how far your technical knowledge and skills extend.

When choosing the battery pack, it is essential first to determine how long you drive regularly. The duration of your trip determines the size (capacity) of the battery pack; the type of battery you choose is also relevant. Since not all batteries can be discharged entirely (DoD), this plays a role in the usable capacity of your pack. Amsterdam Electric advises lithium batteries since they last the longest, are the most compact, and are completely maintenance-free. However, lithium batteries do not fit every budget; we also offer lead-acid/traction batteries, AGM batteries, Gel batteries and lead-carbon batteries. You can find a clear description of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of battery you choose.

  • Boat weight
  • Boat dimensions
  • Boat hull type
  • Power of the engine to be replaced
  • Voltage of the old engine
  • Desired operating time at 6 km/h

You need a shunt and display to read your energy consumption and range. Some engines are delivered with a shunt; for others, you can purchase it from the supplier or a third party. With the products offered by Amsterdam Electric, you can easily find the system that suits you.

For your onboard equipment, such as navigation lighting and the bilge pump, you need a 12-volt or 24-volt inverter. This way, you supply your current power grid with electricity via the battery pack of the new electric propulsion system. At Amsterdam Electric, we only offer the Victron Orion inverters in different voltages and amperages.

All parts sold by Amsterdam Electric fall under the manufacturer's standard warranty period. Since this can vary by manufacturer and product, your package comes with a warranty overview.

With the proper knowledge, installing the drivetrain yourself is not very difficult. However, getting the fine, but critical details is often challenging. This includes correctly aligning the engine, setting up the battery display, and commissioning the drive. Many tasks require special tools and experience to know how to use them. In many cases, purchasing at least a plug-and-play system or having the package installed by Amsterdam Electric is more economically attractive.

Hoewel  Amsterdam Electric voorstander is van hybride systemen en het behouden van de dieselmotor, is het op dit moment nog niet mogelijk een goede hybride oplossing aan te bieden. Dit komt enerzijds omdat de talloze producten die op de markt zijn simpelweg niet voldoen aan onze eisen voor kwaliteit en inbouwgemak. Anderzijds zijn deze hybride aandrijvingen ongeveer even duur als volledige elektrische aandrijvingen.

Amsterdam Electric maakt graag een offerte op maat voor u. In heel veel gevallen kunnen wij uw boot hybride laten varen, afhankelijk van de beschikbare ruimte aan boord. Meestal zal dit maatwerk zijn en in dat geval moet u rekenen met een langere omlooptijd en hogere ombouwkosten. Systemen waarmee wij in het verleden hebben gewerkt zijn Combi, WaterWorld en E-Propulsion pod drives.

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